How not to win votes: an object lesson by Victorian Greens Leader Samantha Ratnam

Victorian Greens Leader Samantha Ratnam stood by her candidate for the seat of Footscray, Angus McAlpine, who had a previous career as a rapper spouting misogynist and violent lyrics but who now says he is sorry and ashamed of his past conduct.

Ms Ratnam described Mr McAlpine’s lyrics as reprehensible, saying they had no place in the community

Clearly not a winner in the fashion and appearance stakes, Angus looks more like a right wing bovver boy than a candidate for a socially progressive and environmentally concerned political party.

Ms Ratnam spoke of the “culture of toxic masculinity” presumably referring to Angus’ previous career as a rapper spouting misogynist and violent lyrics . Yet, he still the Greens’ candidate for Footscray.

Ms Ratnam conceded the controversy had exposed flaws in the Greens’ candidate vetting processes.


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